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Mad City Chickens – They’re Back

Bigger and better than before!

Join us for an entertaining evening filled with fun, information and refreshments on August 11th at 7:30 p.m.

We have a beautiful venue for the next screening — U of T Hart House.

Sneak preview…



  • Heather says:

    Hey, this is a really great blog, but it seems that you’ve abandoned it.
    If you ever start it up again, it would be great if you made it more interactive. Such as your cities which allow chickens page. I live in Oshawa and we have chooks. They are not prohibited by Oshawa’s responsible petkeeper bylaw which prohibits many other animals, including pheasants, turkey ect, but specifically does not list chickens. They don’t group them the way the Toronto law does, but instead list each animal. They also prohibit whales, and giraffes…hmmmm. They don’t even prohibit roosters, but we aren’t daft enough to try that!! There is no restrictions on number, or location or lot size. We have a med size lot and in the summer we keep 6 chooks. Right now its winter and we have 17. I also believe that Ajax allows chickens, and I have a friend there who keeps them. I’m sure that there are more cities in Canada where you can keep them-surely you haven’t looked them all up! Good luck with your chooks!

    • I promise I haven’t abandoned this blog. But I have to do a much better job for sure! That’s fantastic about Oshawa and Ajax. I will look it up and add it to the ‘allowed’ list.

  • Chicken Mama says:

    I live in Toronto and I’m very keen in starting to keep backyard chickens. For the past 3 years I lived in the mountains in the US and kept chickens and LOVED it! I’m delighted to be part of a growing underground resistance to keep these wonderful feathered critters. They’re beautiful, very fun to have around, they make me feel good and I absolutely love the fresh eggs. They’re better than anything you can buy in the grocery store — even free range, organic eggs. Fresh ones are thicker, “meatier”, and lower in cholesterol.

  • Marjie says:

    I’ve just hatched 5 eggs and would like to know, can I keep them in my yard in Toronto yet? That is when they are big enough.

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