New Hens Join the Flock
I had been hoping for some time to locate a hen that lays blue eggs. When it comes to livestock, however, it is not like ordering online. You have to know somebody who knows someone who knows somebody with the blue egg-laying hen. After losing 2 hens earlier in the month, I was also hoping to find hens at point-of-lay, rather than waiting a number of months for eggs. I lucked out and found a willing seller in Rockwood, ON. Not only did she have the hens I was looking for, but they had been raised naturally on her farm. So we grabbed a large cardboard box and headed off to her farm. After a lovely tour of her multi-faceted farm, we chose 2 hens at point-of-lay, Maree (on the right in the photo) and Ayr (not shown), plus 1 hen that will begin to lay in November, Goldie (on the left in the photo). We now have a flock of 4.