Thermos Shuttle Chef Slow Cooker
Passover Eggs
These eggs were slow-cooked in a traditional Sephardi manner using onion skins to add colour and a mild flavour. The result? The eggs acquire creamy, pale, buttery yolks and a lovely colour.
Sometimes, a tablespoon of ground coffee is added to make the whites browner. In Israel, they are sold by street vendors as “hamine.” Historically, the eggs were gently cooked in the ashes of a dying fire for hours or overnight. They are eaten on the Sabbath, at births and deaths, and at all important moments of the cycle of life.

Thermos Shuttle Chef Slow Cooker
The egg in the shell is a symbol of procreation and the continuation of life. Hamine eggs are eaten throughout the Middle East including Egypt, Iraq and Turkey. I tried to mimic the slow cooking process using a Thermos Shuttle Chef. I just added the onion skins and eggs to the water in the inner pot, brought it to a boil, transferred it to the insulated outer pot and left it for 6 hours. No further electricity needed – a great green cooking technique.