Winter Setup
A small adjustment to the Eglu converts it into a cozy winter home for the hens. The Eglu is raised onto an 8” wooden platform, which is filled with wood chips (horse bedding). As the bedding gets soiled, wood chips are added so that the girls are always on clean bedding. The entire coop and run are then wrapped in bubble wrap. This keeps out the wind, while allowing daylight in, which maintains their internal clocks. The water is kept in an outdoor heated dog bowl, which senses when the temperature drops below freezing, maintaining free-flowing fresh drinking water. Finally a ceramic reptile bulb is placed in the coop part at the back. You could see the red extension cord on the right leading into the coop. I’m not sure this is even necessary, but it probably makes them a little more comfortable. Having said that, they choose to spend their days in the unheated run area, and appear to be very happy.
One problem is that the hens keep pecking at the bubble wrap and popping it – bad girls! It must be the positive reinforcement they get when they hear the pop! Next year I will make use of a clear plastic film as a barrier between the beaks and the bubbles.