Press Release
Toronto Chickens Supports Charter Challenge in Upcoming Court Case
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The working group of backyard chicken owners in Toronto, Toronto Chickens, fully endorses the upcoming Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms challenge that has been undertaken by Calgarian Paul Hughes.
Mr. Hughes’ court case is set for March 5, 2012 and will be a game changer for those in the urban food movement. He is challenging his city’s bylaws that disallow the possession of urban chickens in Calgary. As a group that is working to change Toronto’s bylaw so that urban hens will be allowed again in the city, Toronto Chickens will monitor the course of this upcoming trial very closely.
We call upon Toronto city councilors and city bylaw officers to suspend enforcement of the chicken bylaw until the results of this case are determined. This court trial challenges the federal Charter of Human Rights and therefore will impact all Canadians and override any municipal rulings.
For further information contact: TorontoChickens@gmail.com